What is IRIS?
IRIS, the Industrial Commission’s Redesigned Information System, is a multi-year project, executed by the Idaho Industrial Commission (IIC) in tandem with In Time Tec, to configure commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software which fulfills the Industrial Commission’s business requirements. The goal of IRIS is to replace paper-dependent administrative processes with digital solutions that emphasize customer service, optimize data management, and foster workflow efficiency.
The project will implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 to replace all existing business applications. It will also introduce digital document storage solutions and Power BI, a robust reporting and analytics tool, to Commission operations.
Feel free to reach out to the IRIS team at iris@iic.idaho.gov with any questions.
Idaho Industrial Commission Web Portal
We are excited to announce the launch of the Idaho Industrial Commission’s web portal. The new portal will enhance communication and streamline essential tasks for stakeholders involved in various workers’ compensation activities.
Key Features:
- Document Submission: Easily upload and submit necessary documents for specific processes.
- Online Forms: Complete and submit forms directly through the portal, saving time and paperwork.
- Status Tracking: Access real-time updates on submission and case statuses, ensuring transparency and efficiency.
The following portal forms are now available and actively in use by the Industrial Commission:
- Coverage Compliance Questionnaire: Used by our Employer Compliance Department to determine compliance with Idaho’s coverage requirements.
- Extraterritorial Coverage Questionnaire: Used by our Employer Compliance Department to determine eligibility for extraterritorial coverage approval.
Coming Soon:
- Surety Report Submissions: Reports include Premium Tax, Outstanding Awards, Net Unpaid Liabilities, and Claim Losses.
- Settlements: An external portal for workers’ compensation attorneys to submit settlement documents, track case statuses, and download completed filings for various settlement agreement submissions. Note: Pro Se claimants will continue to receive communications and documents directly from our benefits team.
If you missed our stakeholder meeting on the portal’s settlement agreement submission process, please watch the recording available at the following link: https://www.loom.com/share/792bccf3c4574f8cac71b62dd37848f9?sid=60d1fa65-0ca3-4420-ab2c-975759768549
Please submit any comments or questions about the proposed portal functionality for settlement agreements to settlements@iic.idaho.gov.
Stay Tuned:
In the coming months we will begin working portal functionality for the following processes:
- Workers Compensation Complaints: External portal for workers’ compensation attorney’s to initiate workers compensation complaints, submit required documentation, track case statuses, and download decisions.
- Rehabilitation Referral Portal Form: Used by injured workers and or their representatives to submit referral requests to utilize our rehabilitation services
Contact Us: For general inquiries or questions about the scope of this portal, please contact our benefits department at settlements@iic.idaho.gov, or our Public Information Officer Amy Berg at Amy.Berg@iic.idaho.gov.
Additional instructional materials and videos for the portal will be linked here as they become available.
Previous Updates
Automated Signature Process Implemented – May 2024
Effective May 23, 2024, the Commission implemented an automated signature process that will reduce the processing time of most settlement agreements. Other than the exceptions noted below, draft dismissals are no longer required for settlement agreements or attorney charging liens. If a draft is included, the Commission will append the submitted documents with its standardized template.
- A pro se claimant.
- Social Security Offset language.
- Industrial Special Indemnity Fund.
- Miscellaneous non-settlement stipulations.
Questions may be directed to settlements@iic.idaho.gov .
Rehabilitation Go-Live – May 2024
The Industrial Commission’s Rehabilitation department is transitioning case management and business processes to a new information system. Implementation of this new software will also impact our Benefits Administration, Employer Compliance, Fiscal, and Adjudication departments’ applications. The business systems for these departments will be offline beginning 6:00 PM MDT Thursday, May 30th, to the morning of Monday, June 3rd, while we migrate Rehabilitation data. These departments will not be able to update existing cases within this time frame. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. The Benefits, Employer Compliance, Fiscal, and Adjudication departments will be back online and ready to conduct regular business Monday, June 3rd, at 8:00 AM MDT.
Meet In Time Tec
On January 6, 2021, the Industrial Commission selected In Time Tec as the technology integration partner for the IRIS project. In Time Tec is a global software solutions company based in Meridian, Idaho, with offices in California, Oregon, and India. They partner closely with clients to supplement and support their teams to build software products focused on achieving business goals. Their commitment to employees, clients, and partners is to generate a future built on core values of trust, transparency, integrity, and leadership. Their mission is to create abundance. The Industrial Commission is excited to work with them on the IRIS project, and several of their employees will be working at the Chinden campus right next to our employees.
IRIS Benefits
– IIC will be paperless and provide 24/7 online access to constituents
– Easily configurable case management systems meeting IIC needs and supportable in-house
– Files and documents stored electronically
– Quick response time to customers with electronic requests for hearings and adjudication filings
– Widely available, current systems software with timely and consistent vendor updates
– Digitized records easily accessible in a system with long term viability
– Records are easy to locate with online document and file search
– Robust data analytics to evaluate internal performance and increase customer service
Current Status
– Except for IIC, all Idaho courts are electronic and paperless
– 20-year-old case management systems no longer supported by in-house IT staff
– Files and documents stored in boxes and microfilm
– Slower response to hearings and adjudication filings dependent on mail and fax
– Upgrades to existing systems increasingly difficult due to their age
– 20-year-old digitized records storage system is incompatible with necessary Windows upgrades
– Responding to records requests is complex due to multiple record storage locations
– Limited data and resources to conduct analysis