Annual Seminar Session Overview

Register now for the 2024 Annual Seminar on Workers' Compensation

The Annual Seminar features workers’ compensation experts from across the industry discussing a variety of timely topics This educational opportunity provides valuable information for employers, attorneys, insurance professionals, rehabilitation counselors, medical providers and others interested in the Idaho workers’ compensation system.

This year’s sessions will include:


Debra Livingston,  Chief Executive Officer; ReEmployAbilityRecovering the Worker: Fostering Healing through Advocacy-Based RTW Strategies
Debra Livingston – ReEmployAbility

The keynote, “Recovering the Worker,” aligns seamlessly with themes of empathy, communication, and active listening in the context of return-to-work initiatives. It explores how such programs not only reduce claims costs but also foster healing and support for injured workers. The talk emphasizes the importance of an advocacy-based approach, offering insights into enhancing employee retention and engagement throughout the return-to-work process, ultimately promoting a deeper sense of connection and success in navigating insurance claims.

Presentation Slide Deck: Coming Soon


Joseph N. Pirtle, Bar Counsel; Idaho State Bar

Ethical Duties when Leaving a Firm and Candor to the Tribunal
Joseph N. Pirtle – Idaho State Bar

Join Joseph Pirtle as he covers the Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure that commonly come up when an attorney leaves their employer, including duties owed to clients, communication requirements and working with the former firm before and after departure. During this session he will also cover the duty of candor to the tribunal instances when the duty of candor is greater than the duty of confidentiality.

Presentation Slide Deck: Coming Soon

Jan A. Saunders, Clinical Director Prosthetics; Paradigm

Understanding Appropriate Prosthetics & Orthotics, and how to Manage the Cost Drivers
Jan A. Saunders – Paradigm

Learn how to manage the cost drivers in high dollar prosthetics, it will educate the audience on when prosthetics need to be replaced, how the electronic devices function and when is it cost effective to purchase an extended warranty. Mr. Saunders will also explain how we calculate life cost projections for reserve purposes, and when is it appropriate to use high technology, as well as briefly discuss Osseointegration newest technology and how it will save 100’s of thousands to the carrier over the life of the claim.

Presentation Slide Deck: Coming Soon

Dr. Marcos A Iglesias, MD, VP, Chief Medical Director; TravelersMedical developments in workers compensation
Dr. Marcos A Iglesias – Travelers

Join Dr. Iglesias as he discusses medical developments that are having and are poised to have an impact on how we manage workers compensation claims. Mental health and wellness have become more accepted in the management of work-related injuries. Learn how to think about the wide continuum of psychological issues facing injured workers and how the right approach is essential. We will discuss the prevalence and proper management of PTSD claims. Learn about psychedelic drugs being used for mental health diagnoses. We will also discuss the impact of growing vertical integration in healthcare and uses for artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Presentation Slide Deck: Coming Soon

Dr. Brent Shepherd, MD, MS, MOH, MRO; St. Luke’s Health SystemManagement of Accidental Blood and Body Fluid Exposures in the Workplace
Dr. Brent Shepherd – St. Luke’s Health System

Unintentional blood and body fluid exposures account for a significant portion of workplace injuries. This presentation will focus on types of body fluid exposures and their associated risks of spreading blood-borne pathogens, specifically hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), to the affected worker. We will also review how to both prevent and treat spread of these pathogens.

Presentation Slide Deck: Coming Soon

Todd Johnson, Senior State Relations Executive, External & Government Affairs; National Council on Compensation InsuranceSevere Injuries Deconstructed and Medical Cost Trends
Todd Johnson – National Council on Compensation Insurance

Severely injured workers are an ongoing concern for the workers compensation industry. NCCI will reveal the characteristics of these injuries, underlying frequency trends, and associated cost drivers. Separately, NCCI will provide an update on medical cost trends and the components that drive utilization of hospital stays and prescribing trends.

Presentation Slide Deck: Coming Soon

Medicare Secondary Payer Landscape: The 3 Pillars
Logan Pry – Allan Koba Compliance Solutions

Under the Medicare Secondary Payer Act, parties to a workers’ compensation claim are required to protect Medicare’s past, present, and future interest. This session will cover the intricacies of Medicare conditional payment resolution, Section 111 mandatory insurer reporting, and Medicare Set-Aside arrangements. We will also review the most recent updates to the applicable regulations, case law, and guidance that govern these areas, including the recent promulgation of the final rule regarding civil monetary penalties for noncompliance with Section 111 reporting requirements.

Presentation Slide Deck: Coming Soon

Dr. Brian Johns, MD, Occupational Health Medical Director; St. Luke’s Health SystemA Pain in the Back: E&T, PPI, and IME
Dr. Brian Johns – St. Luke’s Health System

Dr. John’s presentation will cover how to define the scope of the problem, understand the anatomy, physiology, and causes of back pain (especially low back pain), learn about evaluating and treating back pain using evidence-based guidelines and a biopsychosocial approach, and finally, how to determine an appropriate PPI (Permanent Partial Impairment) and IME (Independent Medical Examination) for the patient.

Presentation Slide Deck: Coming Soon

Lea Wagner, VP of Case Management Operation; ParadigmDuties and Obligations of a Workers’ Compensation Case Manager
Lea Wagner – Paradigm

After this presentation, the attendee will have an understanding of the benefits of a Workers’ Compensation Medical Case Manager to the injured worker, claim professional, employer, provider(s), as well as the attorney. Attendees will gain an understanding of the duties and obligations of the Medical Case Manager, as well as the workers’ compensation case management process.

Presentation Slide Deck: Coming Soon

Roy Shepherd, Investigations Supervisor; Idaho Department of InsuranceWorkers’ Compensation Insurance Fraud
Roy Shepherd – Idaho Department of Insurance

This session will cover the Idaho Department of Insurance authority to investigate insurance fraud, the purpose of the investigation’s section, the elements of insurance fraud, and our process once we receive a referral regarding a suspicious Workers’ Compensation claim. The training will also consist of several case scenarios.

Presentation Slide Deck: Coming Soon


Claimant Attorney: Andrew Adams; Curtis Porter & Adams Law PLLC 
Defense Attorney: Susan Veltman; Breen Veltman Wilson PLLCClaimant Attorney: Andrew Adams – Curtis Porter & Adams Law PLLC
Defense Attorney: Susan Veltman – Breen Veltman Wilson PLLC

Andy and Susan have scoured the recent case law and will summarize recent developments in Idaho workers’ compensation. They will entertain you with the most significant and/or wacky decisions, offering perspective from both sides of the aisle.


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