Learn About Us


To cultivate an Idaho Workers’ Compensation system that is cooperative, supportive, and equitable for workers and employers in addressing the effects of workplace injuries and illnesses.


To fairly administer the Idaho Workers’ Compensation Law.

Guiding Principles

  • Quality Customer Service
  • Impartiality
  • Accessible Services
  • Ethical Practices and Behavior
  • Cost Effective and Efficient Operations


The Industrial Commission is comprised of four divisions: Compensation, Rehabilitation, Adjudication, and the Crime Victims Compensation Program.

The Idaho Industrial Commission offers rehabilitation services. Employees are the state’s greatest business asset. It is essential to the fiscal health of the state to quickly return injured workers to the labor force.

The Idaho Industrial Commission is an administrative court, and through the Adjudication Division, it provides decisions in workers’ compensation disputes between workers and employers. The Commission is also the upper level reviewing authority for unemployment insurance decisions issued by the Idaho Department of Labor.

The Idaho Crime Victims Compensation Program was established in 1986 to provide assistance to crime victims who suffer personal injuries. Since it was established, the Program has served over 21,000 victims of crime in Idaho without relying on a single tax dollar.

Advisory Committee

An Advisory Committee has been established to provide the Industrial Commission with informed recommendations and advice on issues affecting the Idaho workers’ compensation system. The membership is made up of experienced workers’ compensation professionals representing a variety of perspectives.


The three commissioners of the Idaho Industrial Commission are appointed by the governor to serve staggered six-year terms. Traditionally, one is appointed to represent employers, one is appointed to represent employees, and the third is an attorney. No more than two commissioners may represent a single political party. The commissioners elect their own chairman. Current members of the Commission are:

Thomas E. Limbaugh
Employer Representative
Thomas E. Limbaugh
Claire Sharp
Chair, Attorney Representative
Aaron White
Employee Representative
Aaron White
CommissionerService Years
George H. Fisher1918-1923
E. F. Caton1918-1919
H. H. BarnesJanuary 1918-July 1919
W. H. Casaday1918-1919
Frank J. Clayton1919-1921
Lawrence E. Worstell1919-1931
Charles E. Duffy1921-1923
Joel Brown1923-1933
Frank Langley1931-1943
W. L. Robinson1933-1945
G. W. Suppiger1923-1947
B. W. Oppenheim1943-1968
Leo Houtz1945-1969
Claude R. Hunter1947-1969
Will S. Defenbach1968-1990
Richard S. Brown1969-1970
Gerald A. Geddes1969-1992
Lawrence Sirhall1971-1988
Larry J. Jackson1989
Logan E. Lanham1990-1992
Betty Richardson1991-1993
Herb Carlson1993-1994
James E. Kerns1993-1998
Stephen J. Lord1994-1996
Rachel Gilbert1995-2000
James F. Kile1997-2009
R. D. Maynard1999-2018
Thomas P. Baskin2009-2024
Thomas E. Limbaugh2001-Present
Aaron White2018-Present
Claire Sharp2024-Present
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